- Mini-symposion organizer at the ECMTB 2022 , Heidelberg, September 19-23 2022 Modeling the female reproductive system at different scales
- Conference co-organizer of the 9th international GDR 3545 meeting on GPCRs , online, November 6-9 2020
- Conference co-organizer of the GDR MAMOVI 2019 , Tours (France), September 04-06 2019
- Special Session co-organizer at the Journées ReproSciences 2019 , Toulouse (France), April 24-26 2019 Biophysique, Biomathématiques et Bioinformatique pour la reproduction
- Workshop Organiszer 28e journée du projet CaSciModOT , Tours (France), June 21 2018
- Conference co-organizer Modélisation stochastique et analyse statistique en biologie , Tours (France), May 23/25 2018
- Conference co-organizer PDMPs, Theory and applications , Seillac (France), May 29-June 2 2017
- Special Session co-organizer at the Journées ReproSciences 2017 , Tours (France), April 10-12 2017 Biophysique, Biomathématiques et Bioinformatique pour la reproduction
- Workshop co-organizer of Modélisation stochastique et analyse statistique de l'expression génétique , Poitiers (France), January 5 2017
- Workshop co-organizer at the 4th young researcher Workshop of the GDR3545 , Tours (France), November 21-22 2016 Building GPCR signalisation networks. Example of the FSH receptor
- Special Session co-organizer at the Journées MAS'16 Grenoble , Grenoble (France), August 29-31 2016 PDMP pour la biologie PDF
- Workshop Organiszer 24e journée du projet CaSciModOT , Tours (France), June 17 2016
- Long research stay Isaac Newton Institute, , Cambridge England. Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications. March-May 2016
- Long research stay Institute of Computational Biology, , Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany. Collaboration with Jan Hasenauer's group. Feb.-Aug. 2015
- Long research stay CI2MA, , Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Collaboration with E. Hingant. January 2014
- Long research stay Mathematics Center Heidelberg, , Heidelberg University, Germany. Collaboration with Anna Marciniak-Czochra's group. Nov.-April 2013-2014
- Long research stay Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine, , McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Ph.D. program under supervision with Michael C. Mackey. March-Aug. 2011.
- Long research stay Centre for Applied Mathematics in Bioscience and Medicine, , McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Ph.D. program under supervision with Michael C. Mackey. March-Aug. 2010.
Since 2019, I'm co-responsable of the BIOS team (BIOlogie des systèmes de Signalisation des RCPG) at the UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements. We develop transdisciplinary approaches to understand, predict and control the functioning of signaling networks induced by G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) involved in reproduction and interactions social.
Since 2017, I'm co-responsable of the Fédération CaSciModOT (Calcul Scientifique et Modélisation Orléans-Tours) which is a network for scientific computing and modelisation in the region Centre. There is currently 28 labs partners of CaSciModOT, and two one-day workshop are organized every year. In addition, the scientific computing cluster CCSC allows any one in this network to perform high performance parallel computing and gives access to formation to scientifc computing.
I'm co-responsable of the GT Biophysique, Biomathématiques et Bioinformatique pour la reproduction, which is part of the GDR CNRS 3606 Repro
I'm member of the directory commitee of the i-GPCRnet IRN as team leader of a participating team.
I'm associate editor of the Journal of Mathematical Biology .